Fajita Friday/Games night
Fajita Friday / Games night
After a week at the office with only one retreat out in Rangiora. Samantha was going to be making Fajita's for dinner and a games night!!! Taylor (a past mission teamer) was around with Delbert and Maria was also over giving the boys a hair cut. After our awesome fajita's Sammy, Olivia and Stella came around for games as well and Lauren described this awesome game named the "fun game". It was tonnes of fun, we had two teams, it was a mix of articulate, charades, and head popping. Safe to say we all had a few tears running down our faces from laughing. It was a really awesome night and it was good to host other people for the night and be a but goofy.
#fajitafriday #irishsnap #fungame #competitivemuch? #shoppingatkmartforhomedecor
- Talia
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