Year 11 St Thomas's Retreats

We had Year 11 retreats at St Thomas 13th – 16th March. We were split into two days for these retreats, going day about. 

Samantha, Lauren, Jack and I were one (Kickstart Team); and Peter, Liam, Talia and Teresa were the other (A Team). The retreats went well, and we had a great response from the participants. These were the first St Thomas retreats in which we had used Our Lady of Victories for our Adoration/Reflection time. We got great feedback about this.
- Samuel


Samuel: Several young men said that the time in Adoration was their highlight. A highlight would be this response from the participants. In a conversation with the St Thomas DRS, Stephen Kennedy said he has been involved in Youth Ministry for over twenty years and stated that these retreats had been the best he had ever seen, and was impressed with how we had run it.

 Talia: A Team had a great turn out for reconciliation during our reflection time. Teresa nailed her testimony as per usual and a lot of the boys could really relate and felt God through her testimony.


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